Surprise is an understatement for how the past couple of weeks have unfolded with COVID-19. There have been unlimited surprises as we navigate through the unknown and evaluate how this is going to affect our lives. Surprises can be exciting, they can be challenging and present a new opportunity, some surprises are wonderful and others not so great. Reflecting on the past couple of weeks I feel it has presented an opportunity for us to take a step back and reflect on all the good things and push the reset button. What a wonderful chance to make plans for the future and prepare because we have the time to think and reflect as we have been forced to slow the pace down. It reminds us of the simple and important things in life, our families, friends, the privilege to work, conveniences and the many other things we enjoy daily. This is a time to choose to see the positive things in our life in a different light.
What have you been reflecting on? Having hope and moving forward is important because this moment in time will be a memory soon but the future is waiting.
As we reflect we want all of our past and current couples to know how much we love working with you. You are in our thoughts, we are sending hugs and love to each of you.